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Luv' Em & Leave' Em

Professional Learning Center

Policies and Procedures


Topic Page

Our Mission ...................................................................................... 3

Fees / Costs of service ................................................................... 4

- Registration Fee

- Late Fees

- Late Payment Fees

- Late Pick-up Fees

- Vacation

- Holidays

Hours of operation .......................................................................... 5

- Drop-off / Pick-up

- Weather related closings

Enrollment ........................................................................................ 6

- How to secure a spot

- What to bring

- Clothing / Uniforms

- Labeling

Illness / Medication .......................................................................... 8

Parental Involvement ...................................................................... 10

- Class visits

- Homework

- Volunteering

- Communication

- Parent Conferences

- Newsletters

Our Mission

To consistently educate children in excellence and love

Fees / Cost of services

Infants 0 -17 months ..................................................... $155.00 weekly

$35.00 Drop -in

18 months - 5 years ...................................................... $120.00 weekly

$25.00 Drop-in

Elementarty Students

Before and after school care ....................................... $85.00 weekly

$20.00 Drop-in

Weekly breaks and summer time .............................. $75.00 weekly

Registration Fee

All students .............................................................. $55.00 one-time

(Discounts available for 3 or more siblings)

Late Fees

LatePayment Fees ........................................................ $15.00 per day

(Payments are due at close of business Friday / You will be charged for weekends)

Late Pick-up Fees ........................................................ $5.00 per minute

(Pick-up is considered late at 6:46pm according to the lobby clock)


To maintain your childs enrollment during vacation 1/2 of the weekly fee is required. Written notice of vacation must be provided at least 1 week in advance of the vacation start date.


Weeks with holidays will cost the same as weeks without holidays. This includes the week of Thanksgiving or any other holiday with 2 closed days of service.

Hours of Operation

We are open Monday thru Friday from 6:15 am to 6:45 pm year round.

Due to the focused and intense nature of our daily schedule and curriculum, we ask that all students be dropped off and signed in before 9:00 am unless they have a doctors appointment.

Closing Policy

We ask you to make every effort to pick up your child before center closing. By policy, our staff may not take your child home with them or make other baby-sitting arrangements.

·If a child is left in the center after closing, staff will take the following measures.

·Try to contact you by phone.

·Try to call your emergency contacts.

·If unsuccessful, the Director will contact appropriate community authorities.

Weather Related School Closings

Generally, we will close if the school district the facility is located in has closed due to inclimate weather. The facility voicemail system will be updated in the case of a school closing. Please call ahead if you are unsure of the status of the facility.


Luv' Em & Leave' Em is an equal opportunity provider of child-care services. Applications for enrollment are accepted without regard to race, religion, sex or national origin.

The registration fee and the first weeks tuition are due on or before the first day of your childs attendance. No child's spot is secure unless the registration fee has been paid in full. In order to mainitain a spot for a period of time, 1/2 of the weekly tuition is required. If this fee is not paid weekly, services will be based on availability.

Parents or guardians are required to attend a parent orientation prior to the end of the first week of your childs attendance.

The following forms should be completed and submitted to the Director prior to enrollment:

- Admissions Agreement

- Child Enrollment Card

- Child Profile

- Child Immunization

- Child Health Assessment

- Child Medical Record

- Child Information form

What to bring

We ask you to bring a blanket, at least one change of seasonally appropriate clothing (including socks) for your child to keep at the center, and an extra sweater or light jacket. If your child wears diapers or is in the process of being toilet trained, you need to provide the center with enough diapers and wipes for sufficient daily changes. Your childs caregiver will indicate on the Daily Report when your childs diapers and wipes need to be replenished. Please do so promptly!


Please dress your child comfortably so that he or she can take advantage of all learning opportunities, indoors and outdoors. Your child should wear clothing that is washable and adaptable to food spills, paint and water, and digging. Be sure to provide clothing for seasonal changes (hat, coat, jacket, boots, mittens, snow pants, etc).


All Children 18 mouths and older must be in uniforms every day except Friday's. A complete uniform consists of the following:

- Standard Polo style shirt

- Monday = Red

- Tuesday = Burgandy

- Wednesday = Navy blue

- Thursday = Dark Green

- Friday = Free / Casual day

- Kakhi Pants, skirt or dress

- Tennis Shoes (with socks) or sandals


It is of extreme importance that all of your child's personal belongings be labled clearly with a permenant marker so as to withstand the effects of washing (including each piece of clothing, bottles, tops, bags, toys, folders, etc.)


Children should be excluded from the class and/or facility if:

- The illness prevents the child from participating in routine activities

- The illness requires special or additional care.

- Keeping the child in care poses a risk to others.

Should your child become sick during the day, you will be notified within 15 to 30 min. Upon notification, parents are required to promptly pick up their child from the center. In case of illness or injury to a child, where parents are not available, a person on the emergency card will be notified.

In the event of a serious illness or injury, at the discretion of the Director or the Assistant Director, paramedics will be called and your child will be transported to an emergency medical facility.

Please keep your child at home if he or she develops any of these symptoms of contagious disease until symptoms disappear or your physician releases your child to return to the center:

- Diarrhea

- Severe coughing.

- Difficult or rapid breathing (especially in infants under 6 months).

- Yellowish skin or eyes (may be a sign of Hepatitis)

- Tears redness of eyelids, with discharge (pink eye).

- Mouth sores with drooling.

- Fever of 100 degrees or more

- Unusual spots or rashes.

- Sore throat or trouble swallowing.

- Infected skin patches.

- Tea-colored urine.

- Unusually cranky, less active behavior.

Medicine / Medication

It is extremely helpful when you can administer medication before or after center hours. There may be times, however, when your child needs medication during the day. Luv' Em & Leave' Em will administer medication prescribed by your childs health care provider if:

- The medicine is in its original container.

- Your childs name and dosage is on the bottle

(If you are to administer quarters or halfs please ask the pharmacist to break them for you.)

We will administer medication ONLY once (1) per day. Unless the medication reads every 3 or 4 hours. We prefer that you give the first (1st) dose and we will give the remaining doses.

We will NOT administer any medications that are not prescribed for your child. (Unless you sign consent form giving us permission to give any kind of medication.)

Please do not ask or expect us to agree to give medication if you call on the telephone requesting that we give the child medication.

We will not administer any medication that was purchased over the counter, or is not appropriate for that child.

Parental Involvement

Luv' Em & Leave' Em Professional Learning Center has an open door policy for parents. We welcome and encourage your visit at any time. You have unlimited access to the center during business hours for the purpose of contacting your child and assessing the care provided. Please notify the Center Director or Assistant Director of your presence upon arrival. Feel free to stop by and eat lunch with your child, tuck him/her in for his/her nap or observe the activities whenever you like.


When your child is given homework assignments it is the responsibility of the parent(s) or guardian(s) to ensure the proper completion of this work. If homework assignments are given and not returned on a regular basis, notices will be provided. If the notices do not cause a change in the completion of homework assignments, your child's spot may be terminated.


All Volunteers will be required to have a criminal background check and must be free from all criminal charges in order to participate in any of the activities provided or involving Luv' Em & Leave' Em Professional Learning Center.

All Volunteers will be asked to sign and notarize a statement stating that he/she is not a criminal, has no crimanal record, and no felonies.

Volunteers must abide by all of the laws, rules and regulations governed by TDPRS, The Health Department, PAC and Luv' Em & Leave' Em Professional Learning Center.


We recognize that communication between center personnel and Parents is essential. We make every effort to communicate to you, daily, the kind of day your child had at the center. We appreciate your sharing with us any insight into your childs life that could influence his or her progress at the center. We welcome your questions and comments about your childs program. Parents of infants and toddlers are asked to complete a Feeding, Sleeping and Diapering Schedule so that we can be aware of your childs individual needs and habits. You will receive a Daily Report from your childs caregivers, which will outline your childs activities and routines for that day. This report includes observations of which foods were eaten; length of naps taken, diaper changes, and a comment on general mood and disposition

Parent conferences

If you would like an individual conference with you childs caregiver, please talk with the Center Director who can schedule a convenient time. We also encourage you to talk with your childs caregiver regularly. There may be a staff change in your childs classroom during the day so it may be necessary to talk with morning and afternoon staff members. Please talk with childs caregivers to identify the best time for daily communication


Luv' Em & Leave' Em prints issues a monthly newsletter. The newsletters include announcements, notes about upcoming events and news about group activities. You can contact the management staff or view the newsletters online for specific details.

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